Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Criminal Justice Field Is The Topic Of Offender...

One topic that is a very important in the criminal justice field is the topic of offender rehabilitation. Offender rehabilitation should be continually studied to find new and better ways of rehabilitating offenders. This is incredible important especially with the recidivism rates that are seen around the country. In Indiana, in 2015 recidivism rates increased slightly for the 2nd time in as many years. Of those offenders released in 2012, 38.2% were recommitted to the Indiana Department of Correction within three years of their release date, for either a new conviction or a violation of post-release supervision (2015 Adult Recidivism Summary, 2015). There are several sources that support the issue that recidivism in correctional issues are of real importance, such as the National Institute of Justice, who believes recidivism is one of the most fundamental concepts in criminal justice (National Institute of Justice, 2016). The U.S. Department of Justice and the National Institute of Corrections relate that state sentencing policies have resulted in historically high rates of offender recidivism with some of the highest incarceration rates in the world (U.S. Department of Justice, 2016) One of the points of prison is to prevent offenders from reverting to their criminal behavior after being released into society. However, the life of an offender does not always prepare him or her for normal living in society. Recidivism means that an offender either repeats or relapses intoShow MoreRelatedThe Rise of Inmate Population1054 Words   |  4 Pagesincarcerations on the rise, the inmate population across the nation is becoming a serious topic of debate in today’s society regarding both political and economic issues. With most prisons working at thirty-nine per cent over capacity, it is becoming not only a hazard for the guards and inmates, but for the reputation of the justice system itself (Bewig). 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