Wednesday, May 13, 2020

My Literacy Narrative - 1678 Words

Viola France Composition 1 Brown Mackie College Darla Goodroad, Instructor Paper 1 January 10,2013 I ve loved to read and write ever since I was taught my ABC s for the first time. It s been a huge part of my life in a lot of different aspects. I learned how to read when I was three years old because I went to a daycare where I was the youngest kid and the only one who couldn t read. Reading and writing just stuck with me after that. After I started reading better than my older daycare-mates, school was ready for me to conquer. The school put me with older kids right away and I was in English class with 3rd graders when I was in kindergarten. It helped me out with making friends and I always got along with older kids better†¦show more content†¦When we had our end of the day free time, I would sit with the teacher and another classmate as she taught them to read. Since I loved learning almost anything, I thought all my friends and classmates should too. On my birthday, I brought in my favorite book to read out loud to the class. The book was â€Å"Froggy s First Kissâ₠¬  by Jonathon London, and I was nervous. But, the class thought it was cool and almost everyone read a book to our class by the end of the year. Reading was all right after kindergarten and didn t become really fun again until I got older and started reading historical fiction and non-fiction. I realized that my favorite thing to read was about people and/or events that may or may not have shaped our history. Since I started really enjoying reading historical books, social studies became one of my favorite subjects and helped out in school because I would enjoy almost all of my classes. Higher grades were a result of this too, even though I didn t really like middle school and couldn t wait to go to high school. When I finally took that journalism class, I was really excited to learn the writing style for magazines and newspapers. ESPN is on all the time in my room and I listen to and admire some of the people that host their shows, who are all sports journalists. Having your own talk show seems like an awesome job, like every guy s dream, and that s another reason I took the class. I didn t get to be theShow MoreRelatedLiteracy : My Literacy Narrative1555 Words   |  7 PagesMy Literacy Narrative Literacy impacts everyone’s lives in various ways. Such as, someone and their career, the ability to read literature in general, one’s comprehension of reading and writing, or the ability to write a book. Each person takes his or her own path with literacy and consequently are formed by the sponsors of literacy present in his or her life. Being new to the term or not, sponsors come in various forms and can be positive or negative to someone and his or her literacy. 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