Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Personal Leadership Experience At A Toronto District...

It has been previously thought that leadership skills were innate, however on the contrary it is truly a learned skill that requires development to master. Nurses are the largest health care profession in Canada, and the majority are at the forefront of direct patient care. With that being said, their position and numbers in health care enables them to improve patient outcomes, transform the health care system, and to build individual and community capacities through the use of leadership. By developing and acquiring leadership skills through experiences, training, and education, nurses are capable of facilitating such. This paper aims to explore how I have displayed leadership in my third year placement through analysis and literature†¦show more content†¦The topics that are fundamental to this age group are injury prevention, dental hygiene, hand hygiene, and healthy eating based on the Canada s Food Guide and Dieticians of Canada recommendations. These issues among stu dents have been addressed through health promotion, and capacity building according to the students health literacy skills through lessons, workshops, and activities. Sigma Theta Tau International (2005) explains that evidence based practice is composed of research findings, patient preferences, and clinicians experiences (as cited in Cullen Adams, 2010). This leadership experience is related to the topic of evidence based practice as my role in health promotion, childhood education, health literacy and capacity building within the school has been based upon research findings, client inputs, and my experiences. For instance, how germs are spread, when hand washing is appropriate, and the length of hand washing. I have incorporated research findings, client preferences in teaching (e.g. experiments, and hands on activities), as well as my personal experiences (e.g. how to motivate and inspire children to change behaviours) into content of my lessons. In addition, I have been able t o apply evidence based practice and other literature findings related to my topics through presentations and activities, such as preventative interventions for cavities, illnesses, injury, and obesity. This topic is significant for nursing leadership and

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on Gilgameshs Heroism - 1557 Words

A hero is someone who tries the best to help everyone and will do everything in his or her power to help out another person. The term hero means different things to different people. Today many people believe that a hero is a person who can accomplish what others can not or a person who puts themselves on the line for the other people. Men, women and children can all be heroes if they truly feel in their hearts the need to help others in even the smallest ways. In our modern world heroes are defined in so many ways. Anyone can be a hero, a best friend, a devoted mother/father, a teacher, etc. On the other hand, in the older days, before laws and technology, heroes were the men who fought against evil things, who rescue damsels in†¦show more content†¦Ancient Sumerian culture valued the ideas of heroism. The epic shows their societal values of heroism, knowledge and loyalty and their importance. One of these values is the act of having right conduct to others or heroism. Gilg amesh, in the story, displays heroic actions by slaying the Bull of Heaven, which was created to destroy him. Gilgamesh praises who is the most glorious of heroes, the most eminent among men(table 1, column iii, 23) Actually, the epic protagonist is Gilgamesh, he is the main character in the story. Gilgamesh is a character who is very self-confident. He feels that he is superior to others, due to the fact that he is two-thirds god, and one-third man. This arrogance leads to his being cruel at the beginning of the story. Gilgamesh is described as, two-thirds of him divine, one-third human. He oppresses the weak ones. Also he does not let the young woman to go to her mother, the girl to be warrior, the bride to the young groom (table 1, column ii, l, 12-13, 27-28). Gilgamesh is a man with no equal, so he feels superior. However, Enkidu is created to show Gilgamesh that he is not the only hero. ... Create again in the image of Gilgamesh and let this limitation be as quick in hearts and as strong in arm so that these counter forces might first engage...and finallyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Heroism in Epic of Gilgamesh942 Words   |  4 PagesHeroism in Gilgamesh  Ã‚   Heroism entails several things; a selfless act, courage, or the accomplishments of bold and daring expeditions. A hero can often be of divine ancestry. But every hero has faults and these faults along with heroic deeds make the man, or woman; a hero. Gilgamesh loved his friend Enkidu more than he loved himself. A phrase indicating this love for Enkidu is on page 35: We must go down into the forest together./. . .I will go before you/And protect you. Enkidu followedRead MoreThe Iliad, Odyssey, And Epic Of Gilgamesh1466 Words   |  6 PagesFurthermore, they all shared similar experiences in terms of undergoing a difficult situation and changing their approach in an effort for redemption. This paper will be examining the virtues of these epic heroes and the relationship between their heroism experiences as well as how that connects to the cultural expectations of what strong leadership is all about. In the Iliad, Achilles embodies strong qualities of leadership such as perfection, beautiful, over skilled as a warrior, and god-like featuresRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh 932 Words   |  4 Pagespermanence. The opening lines 1-23 from Tablet 1 of the poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh, introduce us to the ancient Sumerian hero, Gilgamesh. These lines are arresting for their directness and simplicity; they briefly outline the ensuing tales of Gilgamesh’s adventures and achievements and emphasize the hero’s extraordinarily vigorous and powerful nature. The introduction hints at a more personal journey, one in which the hero â€Å"came a far road, was weary, found peace† (1,9) suggesting that GilgameshRead MoreGender Roles in The Epic of Gilgamesh688 Words   |  3 Pagesthe female principle also has the ability to destroy: the epic takes a largely dim perspective of humanity, and often, by extension of women, because the source of all creation is a goddess, Aruru. Aruru creates but she also generates suffering. Gilgameshs friend Enkidu runs wild until he sleeps with a harlot, after which the wild beasts which were once his friends reject him, suggesting that femininity is also a source of male disempowerment. Although Aruru is the source of both the life of GilgameshRead MoreGilgamesh Is A Hero1209 Words   |  5 Pagesmight even say. As in The Epic of Gilgamesh, Antigone, and The Iliad, heroism is displayed and exalted, but what does being a hero mean? Overarchingly, in regards to these works, the heroes earn their titles as heroes by notably doing what is right when the time is right, with humane purpose, and an everlasting message. However, Gilgamesh, Antigone, and Akhilleus, being different in their purposes, everlasting messages, type of heroism as whole, can not compare in regards to heroic status. GilgameshRead MoreGilgamesh As A Hero1201 Words   |  5 Pagesmight even say. As in The Epic of Gilgamesh, Antigone, and The Iliad, heroism is displayed and exalted, but what does being a hero mean? Overarchingly, in regards to these works, the heroes earn their titles as heroes by notably doing what is right when the time is right, with humane purpose, and an everlasting message. However, Gilgamesh, Antigone, and Akhilleus, being different in their purposes, everlasting messages, type of heroism as whole, can not compare in regards to heroic status. GilgameshRead MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh909 Words   |  4 Pagesa quest for knowledge which is overshadowed by his ignorance. The tragic death of Enkidu, Gilgamesh’s trusted companion forces the epic hero to change his perception of death. To overcome great obstacles one must be willing to put their ignorance aside. Tzvi Abusch’s analyzes â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh† in his article â€Å"The development and meaning of the Epic of Gilgamesh†. Abusch’s explication of Gilgamesh’s identity, friendship, achievements and ignorance towards death lacks substance. Abusch perceivesRead MoreDreams of Gilgamesh Essay891 Words   |  4 Pagesin the wilderness. The purpose of this scene is to show that dreams tell the future. It is important for Gilgamesh to know that Enkidu is coming because he needs to know that Enkidu is there to bring him no harm. Enkidu was created to be on Gilgamesh’s side, not to challenge him. In the next scene Gilgamesh has a dream but he did not understand the dream so he asks his mother its meaning. â€Å"Mother, I had a dream last night: There were stars of heaven around me, Like the force of heaven, somethingRead MoreGilgamesh And Oedipus Essay904 Words   |  4 PagesGilgamesh is truly a hero. Showing his heroism, Gilgamesh defeated Humbaba, the beast who terrorized the locals of Cedar Forest. Everyone tried to convince Gilgamesh not to fight Humbaba, but by doing this and winning, I believe Gilgamesh showed his heroic manner. The strenuous journey up Mount Masha showed Gilgamesh was able to prove his bravery and strength to the scorpion guard. The scorpion guard allowed Gilgamesh to pass through the gate when he realized Gilgamesh’s efforts. Gilgamesh and his bestRead More Beowulf vs. Gilgamesh as Epic Heroes Essay1025 Words   |  5 PagesDuring these two time periods there stood two great men: Gilgamesh, the selfish, lustful king, and Beowulf the prou d and boastful warrior. These two men, both powerful and well-respected, embody the true essence of what it means to be an epic hero. Gilgamesh’s lifestyle and rash decisions make him the perfect candidate for a life lesson by the gods. Beowulf and his boastful nature ultimately lead him to be great in life and to later fall. Finally, the two epic heroes both share some of the same good and

Monday, December 9, 2019

Introduction to Management Brand Purchasing

Question: Discuss about the Introduction to Management for Brand Purchasing. Answer: It has been said that perception is reality since what we perceive is what we then accept as reality and as fact. Do you think that this is the case with Great Wall Motors? Yes, I think this is the case with Great Wall Motors, due to a competitive car markets in the world. Australia is among top countries in the world with the highest car selling business. Australia has hundreds of different car models and brands. Perceptions in the car selling business is a critical issue, being used by customers when making decisions on which model and brand to purchase. This perceptions should not to be overlooked by the company. Models and brands are crucial issues which do attract people to buy a product (Barrows, Powers Reynolds, 2012). Many people have different opinions on their favorite choice. Quality and prices are used to determine whether or not someone will purchase an item. An increase or decrease on vehicle sales is affected by the general customer perception. That is why Great Wall concentrate on the word Great on the brochure headline for V Series Ute (Buchbinder Shanks, 2012). This headline which states How great can a great Ute get? has attracted m any people nationwide consider purchasing their vehicles. Is the perception that some consumers have that the vehicles are of relatively low-quality accurate? The perception from some consumer that the vehicles are of relatively low quality is true. This is seen when motoring writer Toby Hagon and his companions bought a Great Wall X240 and test it over several Australian deserts. They had to have several repairs done by the dealer, under the warranty. They continue to encounter many problems from the door seals slipping out, cupholder not functioning, parking sensors failing to work and number plate missing (Rmit University, 2012). Those where among the many problems experienced by some consumers who bought this vehicles. Furthermore, the engine struggled up hills and the car had instability which required them to constantly pay high attention while driving (Wilton, 2013). The consumer had to frequently change gear due to the engine having less power. When the company refused Hagon request for Ateco to provide car test was inevitable evidences that this companys vehicles is of low quality compared with their competitors, such as Hyundai, Nissan and Toyota. Hagon purchased a one year old second hand X240 which cost 15000 dollars from a dealer and sold it for lesser price of 11500 dollars after the adventure. Is it worsened by the asbestos situation? It was worsened by the discovery of asbestos components in the engine and at the exhaust system on almost all Great Wall vehicles. The discovery was noticed after a week when Hagon published his review on the Great Wall X240 Ute. When this came to notice the Australian safety authorities decided to make resolution to provoke almost 25000 Great Wall vehicles. After this incidence Ateco decided to solve the problem by immediately ordering their suppliers to change those parts affected on all new cars imported from China (Griseri, 2013). The issue escalate when the general public come to the realization that the company was hiding a vital information which affects them directly. Furthermore, Australians are usually very sensitive on problems posed by asbestos. Paul Bastian, of Australian Manufacturing Workers Union echoed this sentiment called on Ateco to replace all asbestos gaskets on every cars at their own cost. Bastian further argues that criminal prosecution should be taken agains t the companys officers if they knowingly went against Australias laws related to health and safety (Anderson, 2012). After the asbestos problem news was received by the world, the shares of Great Wall drastically dropped on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Do you think that Ateco handled the asbestos problem appropriately? Provide support for your response. Ateco did not handle the problem appropriately. Because when they discovered the problem they immediately instructed their suppliers to change the parts affected on all new cars imported from China without informing the general public. Ateco continue to work with the authorities on how to respond to the problem and all this time public was blindfolded, without a single hint of what was going on. Moreover, Ateco knew that Australians are much more sensitive with the problems caused by asbestos exposure (Arnold, Chapman Clive, 2014). The Australian population started being seriously concern about the effects posed by asbestos when they were misled by former Australian-based manufacturer James Hardie. Hardie lied to them about the lethal diseases that can arise from being continuously exposed to asbestos. Thanks to the late Bernie Banton effort to bring to light the ill activities carried out by James Hardie. The findings led to James Hrdie accepting and taking liabilities by compensat ing the victims of asbestosis (Haddow, Bullock Coppola, 2014). He further admit that his company knew the dangers asbestos could have caused for generations. The company later stopped manufacturing building and industrial materials from lethal substance. Ateco did not want to take fully responsibility for this damaged caused by the company. However, Ateco argued that it was the Chinese manufacturing partners fault regarding their engines safety. The companys staff knowingly broke the Australias laws by using asbestos. It is explicitly clear that Ateco has incredibly fail to provide detailed information to Australian citizens on the danger that is caused by asbestos to the users of their brand (Anderson, Sweeney,Williams, Wisniewski, 2014). On the same breathe, it is very clear that most of the Australian who has earlier acquired Atecos brand are still using it, therefore, it could be prudent for the firm to communicate effectively on the possible lethal threat posed by its brand which can eventually result to health complications as evidenced above or even fatalism. However, as the matter is, Ateco has really failed in providing the important information and therefore one may suggest that it is an accomplice to the said illegal deal much aware of its threat and performing their business wittingly (Phillips, Neal Webb, 2012). Considering the fact that use of asbestos was banned in more than 55 countries, it was common knowledge that Australia was not an exception in this case. This therefore implies when one uses the said material at the expense of peoples life, they are contravening the stipulated law of the country (Baaij, 2014). Different researches from different countries had clearly shown the risk or threat caused by the said products. As such, using it is totally exposing the nation to great threat and that is total contravention of Australian laws. What other options could organisations take when faced with a major public relations (PR) problem such as the one which currently confronts Ateco and their Great Wall and Chery brands? Organizations faced with a major public relations problem like the one currently experienced by Ateco and their other brands have variety of options to overcome this problems. One of those plans to avoid public escalation is by engaging them on major issues which affect them directly. The general public have the rights to access information which affects their lives (Combe, 2013). When they feel being fooled around they will definitely react negatively on the companys products. A problem when it has arisen it is advisable to accept and be held responsible for it, in real time will save an organization reputation. But constant denial and at later time the firm is proven guilt will tarnish the organization image. This image will take time and financial investment to regain it earlier glory. Doing a mistake intentionally is the biggest fault which may cause a companies to lose millions of money. Like the Ateco, they knew that Australians are much more sensitive with the problem caused b y asbestos exposure (Horngren, 2013). But they disregard what they knew to be true and choose to go ahead and use lethal substances on their vehicles parts. Ateco would have said their image long ago was it not for the matter of dilly-dallying or concept of denial and blame game. Once a companys reputation has been tainted it becomes difficult to reclaim it or rather for the company to cleanse themselves in public domain (Taylor, 2013). Ateco was supposed to respond immediately or take immediate action considering the fact that most of the customers had raised their concern on quality of their brand. Another setbacks of Ateco is failure of the firm to inform the public on the dangers their brand has caused them. It could be prudent for the company to highlight all the possible threat that its brand had on its user for some precautionary measures to be taken in advance. Despite the fact that the firm is well aware and informed about the riskiness of using asbestos, it does not inform the public on this matter. This continue putting the public at risk as they are ignorant of what is taking place. This scenario is clear indicator that Ateco is not credible organization (Bhimani, 2012). The management lack integrity and capacity of leading an organization of such magnitude due to multiple blunder they are causing for their nation. Primarily, the firm would have called the experts of who would be able to ascertain the riskiness of their product and thereby communicate to the public on their finding. This could also be an easier way of building on the clients trust. Toyotas stereotype of providing a high-quality vehicle was only slightly tarnished by a safety recall for their Hilux Ute in 2010. Are stereotypes always true? Depending on the magnitude of the matter and knowledge that people, hold on particular item, stereotype still plays a fallacy role in marketing of a product. For instance, by the virtue of Toyota being notable company, any slight problem with its product may not be easily accepted by the masses. When one hears of Toyota brand, they expect something incredible or of high quality due to the position and the reputation of the company to many. As evidenced in this case, some of the company may use a famous companys name to purport that they are affiliated to it (Schermerhorn, 2013). Once the said firm produces its brand, the population would rush for it due to the name attached to the brand. Hilux Ute is not an associate of Toyota, however due to their inclination to Toyota brand it was able to increase its sales on that particular year. However, as it came to occur, numerous problem were evidenced on the service and performance of Hilux Ute a fact that raised a lot of question from the public on quality of Toyota brands (Villafiorita, 2014). This brought most of the people to limelight not only to perceive an item due to its conventional belief but to take deep interest and confirm how it is operating in real life situation. Since Hilux Ute has come with big words and great way of captivating people. Most citizens were duped to believe that it is the most preferable vehicle than any other that has ever existed in the market (Andersen, 2013). It is from this perception that most of the clients were able to purchase this cars only to discover a lot of anomaly at latter stage. On the same breathe, the firm was able to capture the attention of the potential client by emphasizing the fact it was affordable cars as compared to the rest. Moreover, Ateco emphasized on durability and warranty that one was to be accorded once they have purchased the vehicle. How can we manage in ways that lessen the negative impacts of the stereotypes that we hold of other individuals, groups, organisations or brands, especially if the stereotype has no real basis in reality? The stereotype can easily be dealt with if the customer or the said population has clear information about the product. The issue of stereotype can easily be dealt with if the company comes out strongly and defend the reputation of its image or communicate about the ideal situation of their product (Combe, 2014). It is incumbent to state that companies need to work in a professional way in order not to mislead the population about their product. It would be prudent for the said firm give the public genuine information for them to make an informed decision on their brand. Looking at Atecos brand, there was an exaggerated message that was carried to the public (Horngren, 2014). At first people were impressed by the high quality and nature of would be vehicle. It was said that it was durable and one would be granted a three year warranty. But as it came to occur, the car not meet the required threshold and was not quality such. There were litany of complaints that was raised about its s afety and quality. References ANDERSEN, T. J. (2013).Short introduction to strategic management. ANDERSON, D. R. (2012).An introduction to management science: quantitative approaches to decision making. Mason, Ohio, South-Western/Cengage Learning. ANDERSON, D. R., SWEENEY, D. J., WILLIAMS, T. A., WISNIEWSKI, M. (2014).An Introduction to management science: quantitative approaches to decision making. ARNOLD, J. R. T., CHAPMAN, S. N., CLIVE, L. M. (2014).Introduction to materials management. Harlow, Pearson Education Limited. BAAIJ, M. G. (2014).An introduction to management consultancy. BARROWS, C. W., POWERS, T. F., REYNOLDS, D. E. (2012).Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. Hoboken, New Jersey, Wiley. BHIMANI, A. (2012).Introduction to management accounting. Harlow, Financial Times Prentice Hall. BUCHBINDER, S. B., SHANKS, N. H. (2012).Introduction to health care management. Burlington, Mass, Jones Bartlett Learning. COMBE, C. (2013).Introduction to management. COMBE, C. (2014).Introduction to management. GRISERI, P. (2013).An Introduction to the Philosophy of Management. London, SAGE Publications. HADDOW, G. D., BULLOCK, J. A., COPPOLA, D. P. (2014).Introduction to emergency management. HORNGREN, C. T. (2013).Introduction to management accounting. Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall PTR. HORNGREN, C. T. (2014).Introduction to management accounting. PHILLIPS, B., NEAL, D. M., WEBB, G. R. (2012).Introduction to emergency management. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press. RMIT UNIVERSITY. (2012).Introduction to management. South Melbourne, Palgrave Macmillan. SCHERMERHORN, J. R. (2013).Introduction to management. Wiley. TAYLOR, B. W. (2013).Introduction to management science. Boston, Pearson. VILLAFIORITA, A. (2014).Introduction to software project management. WILTON, N. (2013).An introduction to human resource management. London, SAGE.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Management Theories of Mcdonalds free essay sample

McDonald’s and other fast food industry restaurant’s validate their effective use of management theory through their exemplary company standings throughout the world. Frederick Winslow Taylor, known as the father of scientific management, developed a theory for what he believes to be the most effective form of management. Three aspects of this theory include educating your employees, setting a standard for performing each task, and encouraging high production through incentives; all of which are used by McDonald’s today. Taylor believes that the employees need to be trained on how to be the most productive at each given task. At McDonald’s, each entry level employee must go through specific training before entering the work force. In order to advance to the next level of management, the employees must complete a course intended directly for their new level of management. In these courses, the employees learn to use leadership to develop high performance, get individuals and teams to use their full potential, and to improve profits and sales. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Theories of Mcdonalds or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For employees that are serious about their management education, McDonald’s offers extensive training at their university called Hamburger University. These individuals first attend McDonald’s regional training centers then attend Hamburger University where they lean how to effectively run a business using McDonald’s classical management style. Also, Taylor believes that every individual should be trained how to perform each task in the most efficient style. In McDonald’s, every task is performed using a distinct method. For example, every cashier at McDonald’s has a set of standard questions including â€Å"Small, Medium, or Large† and â€Å"Would you like fries with that? † McDonald’s also uses a register to confirm, assemble, and check the order; in addition to using computer ystems to transmit the order into the holding bins for the kitchens use. In order to increase efficiency, McDonald’s has a specific technique for making its food. For example, the patties are seared on each side and then removed from the grilled when the system indicates, followed by the condiments bei ng applied in premeasured quantities, and the sandwich being wrapped. All of these tasks are performed by different individuals in order to make each task as effective as possible. Finally, Taylor believes in encouraging high production though incentives. Giving a set wage will only encourage low production because the employee is receiving the same payment regardless of their productive rate. In order to fix this problem, Taylor encouraged creating incentives through a reward system. McDonald’s motivates its employees through programs such as Employee of the Month, Company car program, and the recognition program; where the employees receive acknowledgement for their hard work. McDonald’s also includes programs that encourage motivated work through access to gift cards, free food, and merchandise. Lastly, McDonald’s will give top employees â€Å"bonuses based on the performance of their business and their individual performance† (Thinking Made Easy, 2010). Through educating, having a standard for performing tasks, and encouraging high production through incentives; McDonald’s demonstrates numerous aspects of Taylor’s scientific Management. Fayol believes his form of classical management principles demonstrates the most effective use of management. Two aspects of Fayol’s theory that McDonald’s uses today include division of labor and the use of authority. In respect to division of labor, Fayol believes that each employee should know exactly what their job entails and every item being created should have its own, particular area. At McDonald’s, the complete operation is divided into a number of set tasks, including cooking operations and operations of the deep fryer, where each food item has its own machine. Then, each person is assigned to carry out a given task where it is â€Å"laid out for maximum efficiency and minimum movement of the employees† (BIzcovering, 2008). Fayol also believes in authority and having a unity of command. McDonald’s establishes its authority through its managers. When entering McDonald’s, the employee begins as a floor crew member, then advance to trainee floor, then second assistant, and so on, until reaching Restaurant manager. Furthermore, in order to create a unity of command, McDonald’s uses a system where each employee reports to one particular manager. That particular manager then reports to the branch manager. McDonald’s demonstrates Fayol’s management principles through its use of division of labor and authority. In the fast food industry, the most common form of management style is classical management. Along with McDonald’s, Burger King and KFC also focus their management style on classical management. When these company’s begin to spread throughout the country, in order to stay successful, they must have a standard system for their productions and be able to keep all of their employees properly motivated. Thus, the use of classical management has become a very appropriate style of management for these companies, allowing for their success throughout the United States. Through its use of classical management, McDonald’s has established itself among the world’s most valuable brands. By ensuring that every McDonald’s franchise uses classical management, the company’s effective approach gained them the title of â€Å"leading share holder for the globally branded fast food segment of restaurants† (Thinking Made Easy, 2010). Because McDonald’s franchise is wide spread, using classical management ensures that every task performed is performed identically to every other franchise and in the most efficient manner possible. McDonald’s ranks number 1 in food service, receiving 27 million in revenue in 2011 which is up 12. 2 percent from the year before. McDonald’s use of classical management, along with Burger King and KFC, continues to prove appropriate and effective through its world and financial standings. Through different aspects of Taylor’s scientific management and Fayol’s management principles, McDonald’s has established classical management as its main form of management.